Getting Started

Depending on your interest in SODIrace follow the instructions below to get started and engaged in your community.


  1. Create a SODIrace account and authorize pulling of your activity data.
  2. Find an event and register for it.
  3. Go compete and have fun!

Race Directors

  1. Find a race course.
  2. Pick a start and end date for your event.
  3. Design your race course in SODIrace.
  4. Advertise your race and watch the registration fees come in.
  5. Watch the competition and give the athletes encouragement.

Clubs and Groups

  1. Create your organization in SODIrace and invite members to join.
  2. Use SODIrace to manage and publish your club rides to up your performance.
  3. Create a race along your favorite club route. Be sure to include a couple of competitive stretches on the toughest climbs and best sprints.
  4. Get your club members to register for the race.
  5. Track the performance of the club members and the teams and push each other to improve together!


  1. [Need to talk to Justin in how a business and advertiser would use the platform.]
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