
Race management

SODIrace provides the tools for a race director (e.g. bike and running club organizers, bike stores, running stores) to quickly create an interesting and challenging race, enable registration for the race (collect fees if it is a paid event), automate the liability waiver process, generate leaderboards and enable the athletes to create community by encouraging each other.

Dynamic event leaderboards

Individual leaderboards are similar to those used for other competitive events, but also display the awards given to recognize perseverance and tenacity. Race awards and jersey assignments are displayed on the individual leaderboard and limited to cycling events. The Individual leaderboards can be filtered by the categories established by the race director.

Team leaderboards are generated when a race includes team competitions, and a qualifying team attempt is made. For a team to have a qualifying attempt, it must satisfy the criteria established by the race director: the minimum number of members for a team must have completed a race attempt within the time span of the race.

Competitive Stretch (CS) leaderboards

SODIrace maintains leaderboards for every CS.

Multi-segment/multi-discipline competitions

SODIrace enables race directors to create fun and challenging events with multiple segments that require multiple disciplines (e.g., climbing, sprinting, cobble stone, rock gardens, etc).

Precision timing

SODIrace employs AI technology to provide segment timing down to the 10th of a second which eliminates the problem of frequent ties on competing platforms.

Rich encouragement model

In addition to giving KOM/QOM or PR awards for a competitive stretches, SODIrace recognizes different talents and provide awards for best climbers, best sprinters, best descenders, best young rider, best seasoned rider, etc., 4) Our athlete encouragement model is also inclusive in that it recognizes athletes that are the most perseverant and hardworking but maybe are not the fastest. And don`'`t forget all the bravos you can give and receive when you participate.

Team competitions

SODIrace facilitates team competitions and provides leaderboards to rack and stack teams based on team members cummulative performance. When creating team competitions, race directors specify the minimum number of team members and the allowable time gap between team members crossing the finish line. You can make sacrifices for your team lead by letting him/her draft and lead them out on climbs and sprints to help him/her get the coveted jersey awards.


If you are passionate about building community, host an event on SODIrace and use it to generate revenue for your organization or favorite cause.

Coming soon ...

We are currently developing capabilities to serve our community with more cool capabilities to include:

  • Stage racing - We are developing the ability for race directors to provide multi-events races and generate consolidated leaderboards.
  • Community challenges- based on activities that can be done anywhere at anytime for a set a time and generate a leaderboard based on activity duration, distance and/or elevation gain.
  • Multi-sport events - this will enable you to particpate in events such as triathlete to test your fitness acroos many different disciplines.
  • Monetary bravos - what`'`s better than receiving a little cash for performing well at what you love doing. This feature will enable your friends to give you monetary encouragement when crush it on a race or just a competitive stretch,
  • AI enabled safety algorithms- to ensure your safety, we are building features to eliminate the incentive to take unnecessary risks when navigating traffic signals. If you will be competing on a route with traffic signals our AI safety algorithms nullify any additional time associated with slowing or stopping to obey the law and ride in a safe manner.
  • Club/organization management- we are dedicated to be helping your club grow and make a positive impact on your community by providing the tools to manage membership, manage events, collect anual dues, schedule events and maintain excellent communications.
  • Your Company

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