What is SODIrace?
A new racing format option for individual athletes and teams which gives flexibility on start and end times and allows multiple attempts for any race. Leaderboards are automatically generated/updated as athletes upload their activity data to their preferred provider (i.e., Garmin, Suunto, Wahoo) An application for race directors (professionals and non-professionals) to efficiently create and manage races without dependence on physical infrastructure (timing systems) A social media platform for communities of athletes to compete and support eachother.
What is a SODIrace event?
A competetive event or race where athletes compete on the same course but at potentially different times.
Who can use SODIrace?
Anyone can use SODIrace!
- Athletes who want to compete in a SODIrace event.
- Race directors that want to use SODIrace as a platform to create and manage a race. To host races, you don’t need to be a professional race director to get started! Check out our race director page to see how you can benefit by hosting your races with SODIrace. [put in link]
- Fans who want to follow an athlete or a race.
- Marketing Specialists who want to do targeted advertising.
- Race Registration Companies who want to use the SODIrace SaaS offering to provide existing race directors the option to facilitate events that require minimal administration and logistics.
Does it cost anything to use SODIrace?
No. Race directors can use SODIrace for free to facilitate their races. There is no fee for athletes to create an account in SODIrace but must pay the race registration fees if they decide to compete in a race where the race director charges a registration fee.
Who can create a race using SODIrace?
Anyone can create a race in SODIrace! You don`'`t have to be a professional race director to create and manage a race in SODIrace. By nature, a SODIrace can be set up in a few minutes and does not require the race director to hire a professional timing company or deal with other logistics.
How is SODIrace different from Strava and Garmin?
SODIrace enables a full racing experience by allowing athletes to compete on the same course that can have multiple competitive stretches.
How is SODIrace different from Swift and Trainerroad?
SODIrace is all about getting out into the real world and competing with others. There is nothing “make believe” about SODIrace events.
What types of races does SODIrace currently support?
Race types include point to point, single-loop and multi-loop.
- Bicycle Races: road, gravel and mountain
- Running Races: road and trail
Are there hardware requirements to use SODIrace?
Athletes competing in a SODIrace event must have a GPS device (watch, phone, etc.) to record their activities.
What is a Competitive Stretch (CS)?
A Competitive Stretch (CS) is a specific portion of a race with unique characteristics. There are different types of CSs to include: sprints, climbs, pursuits, rock gardens, etc. Times on the CSs are used to generate leaderboards and assign jersey awards.
How accurate is the timing in SODIrace?
SODIrace provides accuracy to +or- 0.5 seconds for any given CSs using its AI capabilities built into its proprietary FlexChain technology. This is significantly more accurate than what Strava provides on Segment effort calculations.
What do the jersey awards mean?
Jerseys are awards given to the leaders of the races for the different sections. These add recognition to the sprinters, climbers, all-around riders for each race while providing more competition.
- Yellow Jersey: athlete with the fastest cumulative time across all race segments
- Treadmaster Jersey: athlete who rode the most number of miles during the race
- Green Jersey: athlete with the best sprint time for any given race attempt. Upon a tie the athlete with the second-best overall time gets the jersey.
- Polka-dot Jersey: athlete with the best climb time for any given race attempt. Upon a tie the athlete with the second-best time gets the jersey.
- White Jersey: best young rider with the most points accumulated for all segments for any given race attempt. White Jersey age is set by the race director
- Silver Jersey: best seasoned rider with the fastest average time across all segments for any given race attempt. Silver Jersey age is set by the race director.
- Pink Jersey: best female athlete with the fastest cumulative time across all race segments
- Suffermaster Jersey: athlete that spent the most time on the race course
I’m in first place. Why don’t I have the yellow jersey?
The yellow jersey is assigned to the athlete with the lowest cumulative time across all race segments. Thus even if your full course time is less than anyone else’s, another rider may have better sprint or climb times that would cause them to receive the yellow jersey.
What is the difference between a race and competitive event?
A race in SODIrace is a timed event that is focused on ranking athletes based on their best time over the full course segment. For safety and other considerations, a competitive event does not consider the full course time as the primary criteria for ranking athletes but uses other competitive stretch efforts types (i.e., climbs, sprints, pursuits) to rank athletes. The yellow Jersey award establishes the means for 1 to n ranking for competitive events.
What safety features does SODIrace have?
SODIrace Flexchain technology integrates with state and local traffic signals database and uses that data in advanced AI algorithms to eliminate time spent navigating through traffic signals that may be on a race course.
What types of races does SODIrace plan to support?
Bicycle races will soon include Enduro and cyclocross races. Development is currently being done to support timed races where the furthest distance covered is the deciding factor in athlete rankings.
How are leaderboards created in SODIrace?
SODIrace automatically pulls athletes`'` activity data from their preferred activity data provider, determines their time on the competitive stretches (CSs) for the race in which they are competing, and uses those results to build the race leaderboard.
What can I do if my activity isn`'`t showing up?
If your activity is not showing up, first check to make sure your activity started during a race that you were registered for when the activity was received by SODIrace. If you were not registered for a qualifying race at the time, register for the race and upload the activity file again. If they activity is still not showing up, please contact us so we can help solve the issue. contact us
What activity data providers does SODIrace currently integrate with?
SODIrace currently integrates with Garmin. You can sign in to your Garmin account on your profile page to automatically link your activities to SODIrace.
If I want to charge athletes a registration fee as a race director, how do I collect the funds?
- Once logged in, use the top navbar to go to your Profile page.
- Go to the Edit profile and settings tab.
- Select Payment Preferences on the left side.
- Enter your payment preference information then click Update Payment Preferences.
- We will pay out the funds based on you desired payment preferences.
How does SODIrace get data to support generation of leaderboards?
SODIrace uses the OAuth protocol and activity data provider (e.g., Garmin) APIs pull activity data. We also allow athletes to manually upload their activity GPS data.
What is Flexchain?
Flexchain is SODIrace’s backend data processing engine used to match athletes’ activity data to competitive stretches for races.
What other activity data providers is SODIrace planning to integrate with?
We are working to integrate with Wahoo and Suunto and expect to have those integrations in the near future.